5 rehabilitation exercises vs sprains

The sprains of ankle happen when people turn or change direction too abruptly or when twist the foot, caused in most cases by the fhigh strengthening in this area of ​​the body so specific.

This causes a injury in the ligaments that connect the bones of the ankle with those of the leg . Therefore, some medical areas such as physiotherapy and the Physical conditioning , have been in the need to develop exercises specific to treat or prevent sprains .  

Recovery of sprains It is an arduous process that is facilitated by some movements such as:

1. Band stretching exercises : it consists in crossing the legs placing a elastic band in each ankle, to then try to separate them; the band creates friction so that the strength of the ankle increase In general, this practice can be done on a chair or mat with the feet in the air.

2. Exercises with double band: you must place two elastic bands in the feet , together; then, leaving heels leaning on the ground, try to separate them. East exercise It is very helpful to increase the force of the internal part of the ankles .

3. Standing flex : for this one exercise you should lie on a flat surface, where you can stretch feet freely, then go up and down the plant foot on several occasions This is very useful because it returns the mobility to the ankle to walk .

4. Stretch of heel : in this exercise You must stand in front of a wall, then drop slowly on it without lifting the plant. foot ; in this way helps the heels get stressed and acquire force , avoiding others injuries .

5. Finger extension : the exercise consists of sitting on a chair, supporting the floor of the foot against a flat surface, and then lift only the fingers for a long period of time.

These are some exercises that can be useful to prevent or treat a sprain , although it is good to highlight that they are activities that require a lot of quiet and prior authorization by a physiotherapist or specialist in physical rehabilitation .  

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