5 reasons why you should run

There are numerous reasons for that you should run . Among the benefits are that it prevents the obesity , reduces high blood pressure, improves mood and even helps live plus weather.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology affirms that with only run five minutes a day could significantly reduce the risk of die prematurely .


Run It is the easy way to do exercise intense and this is the key to longevity . Therefore, the benefits of this activity in terms of mortality are remarkable. No matter how busy you are, you only need five minutes, "he says. Timothy S. Church co-author of the study .


5 reasons why you should run

Women begin to run for several reasons. Some for lose weight , to get better its Health , compete in races or try something new. Here we list five unusual ones.

1. Give time to think. Run offers the opportunity to reflect . Allows you to clarify your thoughts. Mara Yamauchi , fastest marathoner in history , says that when you do it you feed your creativity and your ideas are more precise.

2. It helps the growth of new cells. Carson Smith, professor at the University of Maryland at College Park , United States, states that run regularly helps the increase of new cells Nervous This process called neurogenesis Increases the volume of brain tissue, which decreases as you get older.

3. Reduce 90% orange peel . It is one of the best activities to reduce the cellulitis up to 90% While you run, improvement the circulation blood and burning of calories . In addition, it is one of the exercises which prevents the accumulation of body fat.

4. For a good cause. You can do it as a form of altruism. Various institutions raise funds by organizing races or marathons. This is a good reason to motivate you to start run and make your career even more meaningful and satisfying, he says. Christine Luff, marathon runner and personal trainer .

5. It is an economic activity. Unlike a workout at the gym or some sport such as cycling, swimming or tennis, run It is an activity in which you invest few economic resources. To practice it you only need a pair of tennis and appropriate sportswear.

Run is one of the best exercises aerobics for physical conditioning. Strengthen the heart and lungs because it improves the efficient flow of blood and oxygen in all the body . So it's an activity that every woman could do!

Video Medicine: 5 Reasons You Should Go For A Run Today | Dr Vybarr Cregan-Reid | Think Kent (April 2024).