5 reasons why you do not feel pretty

Did you know that 96% of women do not consider themselves beautiful? According to a study conducted by the brand of soaps Dove, only 4% of women She feels good about herself.

After interviewing women from 20 countries, it was found that "we are the worst criticism of ourselves" and that it is easier for us to recognize our shortcomings than our virtues.

The question is, why are we like this? What leads us to be our own executioners? The reasons may be many, but in GetQoralHealth offers you 5 clues

1. The media are usually blamed for pointing out that they push women to respond to a certain aesthetic: thinner, less short, more or less broccoli. It is true that the aesthetic models that we can see on television show us women that have little to do with Mexican beauty.

The study alluded to, entitled Real beauty, exposes that 59% of women surveyed admitted feeling pressure to be prettier; that 32% of them accepted that this pressure came from themselves, a pressure much greater than that exerted by society (15%), friends or family (5%) or the media (5%).

2. Our friends are more beautiful. A large percentage of women recognize the beauty of other women, like their closest friends, and affirm that they have something innate that makes them beautiful, but they are unable to find that attractiveness in themselves. In general, women do not recognize their own qualities or abilities and, therefore, do not know how to empower them.

3. There is a lack of confidence among women. Dove's study reveals that one of four said to remember when was the last time they said something nice to make them feel beautiful and wanted. According to the psychologist Claudio Barrales , "In today's society, where women are participating much more in the world of work and must also worry about their children, their home and a thousand things, there is no time to receive praise."

The expert adds that when couples arrive late, they are out all day, there is little time for the compliment. However, she adds, "we all need praise, but still more women, because of the social canons about femininity, need more social stimuli".

4. Low self-esteem. In Mexico, according to the news agency CIMAC, 90% of all women over 14 have followed a diet or undergo risky surgeries. All this may be due to low self-esteem.

This aspect, self-esteem, is so important in the life of a woman who, according to José Antonio Flórez, professor of Behavioral Sciences of the University of Oviedo (Spain), which promotes the program Self-esteem, happiness and health, "low self-esteem is a suitable breeding ground for pathological aging is enhanced, while high self-esteem can serve as a protector against neuro-degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's , and can contribute to longevity. "

5. Finally, if you are one of those women who feel ugly, unattractive and have a little lower self-esteem than you should, at the hand of the psychologist Claudio Barrales we offer you some tips to reactivate the mood and self-image: the first thing is to stop making the mistake of buying yourself with the social, television and advertising stereotype.

You have to accept yourself as one is and love yourself like that. Then, procure themselves affection and apapachos: from going to a spa, to seek professional help, among other things and finally, socialize more.

After all the above, we propose that from now on when you look in the mirror you look for all your virtues and you smile in the mirror.

Video Medicine: Ladies, this is why you don't feel pretty (April 2024).