5 reasons to deal with your enemies

From the moment we are born, every human being seeks happiness and does not want suffering; however, we should always be waiting for the difficulties that will arise and then try to practice with them. Such is the case of enemies.

It is said that our enemy is our best teacher. Being with a teacher, we can learn the importance of patience, control and tolerance, but we have no real chance to practice it.

The real practice arises when encountering an enemy, perhaps your mind will come all kinds of ideas, people or things in which you can see an obstacle; those are really your enemies, that one or those who deprive you of reaching your peace and happiness.

Therefore, we give you some reasons with which you can learn to recognize them, practice with them values ​​such as tolerance, compassion and patience, which are fundamental in life, according to the website Buddhism.com:

1. For a person who appreciates compassion and love, the practice of tolerance is essential, and for this, an enemy is essential.

2. We should feel grateful to our enemies, because they are the ones who best help us develop a calm mind.

3. If you have money and power, you seem to have many friends. They are not your friends, they are friends of your money and power.

4. Life is spinning, both in public and private life, due to a change in circumstances, enemies become friends.

5. Anger and hatred are our real enemies. They are the forces against which we must fight and overcome through compassion.

We must all recognize that, in order to enjoy a full life, we need a circle of friends with whom we can relate emotionally and in whom we can trust.

The enemies are just as important as the friends, as well as to find peace and grow as people, as the Dalai Lama explains. So enjoy your friends and more your enemies!

Video Medicine: 7 Reasons Ben Shapiro Is So Dominant In Debates (April 2024).