5 myths of plastic surgeries

Nobody needs a plastic surgery, it is something that is done by choice, so people must be 100% sure of what they want, how they want it and why they want to do it, ensures the medical surgeon José Luis Sanjurjo Martínez.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, he also specialist in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Hospital Español de México He details that it is very important to go with a specialist who provides the confidence and communication necessary to obtain what is sought.

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However, due to negligence or lack of communication, various myths arise about plastic surgery, which can generate fear among people. For the doctor José Luis Sanjurjo the most common are:


  1. It must be done until 18 years old. This is totally false, surgeries such as nose surgery, can be practiced since childhood. It even improves the development of people who have nasal problems or poor facial development.
  2. It totally changes the features . "If I work my face I will change completely", this is false because it does not change the expression, but it depends on each philosophy of the doctor. To avoid this, natural surgery is the best, that is, the one that helps you look younger without changing important features.
  3. Excessive pain It is not true, it is uncomfortable because of bandages and inflammation, but there is no pain, because the patient is treated with analgesics and anti-inflammatories.
  4. Deformation after surgery This is not true, two weeks after surgery people can do their normal life, that is, they can apply makeup; and after four weeks there will be no trace of the operation.
  5. Surgery is only for women. Currently, plastic surgery in men has become very important, as men increasingly want to look better.

Before performing any facial or body cosmetic surgery you should take into account the opinion of several doctors, to avoid a bad result and to be as you have always dreamed. And you, why would you submit to plastic surgery?

Video Medicine: Introduction & Myths Of Plastic Surgery By Dr. Akhilesh Sharma (April 2024).