5 myths about eating disorders

The Eating Disorders affect more than four million Mexicans, while 40% of Americans have experienced or know someone with bulimia Y anorexy .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Aracely Aizpuro , Director of the Ellen West Foundation , explains what are the eating disorders:

Despite the information that is disseminated among the population there are misconceptions about these diseases. According to information published in The Huffington Post, these are the most frequent myths about eating disorders :

Myth 1 : Disorders revolve around food

True : These are diseases complex with biological, psychological and sociological bases. Meanwhile, the behaviors associated with eating disorders can start with a fixation on calories and the weight.

Myth 2 : They're a disease of choice

True: It is a mental condition, so it is not chosen. People who have it must struggle every day to overcome the problem and improve their quality of life.

Myth 3 : The Eating Disorders are not diseases serious

True: The mortality rate associated with the bulimia and the anorexy is higher than any other mental condition such as depression , bipolar disorder and schizophrenia . Even, there are often serious medical complications associated with hunger and purging, such as injuries in bones, cardiac complications, gastrointestinal disorders, organ failure and infertility .

Myth 4: Dysfunctional families generate eating disorders

True: These are not the culprits of people acquiring the diseases. On the contrary, relatives are those who help a patient to overcome his disease . Some studies have shown that between 40 and 50% of the risk of developing anorexy or bulimia it is due to genetic inheritance.

Myth 5 :  They're a disease of women.

True: Eating disorders occur in many women, and research highlights that men with them currently account for less than 10%. The eating disorders in men and boys, they are genetic in nature and are often supported by pressures of a psychological and sociological nature, such as traditional gender roles and socially accepted ideas about masculinity.

Misinformation about eating disorders can cause confusion and prevent detection in time. It is very important that the person affected by these diseases be treated on time, to prevent complications or even death. And you, would you help a person with these problems?

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Video Medicine: 10 MYTHS ABOUT EATING DISORDERS (April 2024).