5 mistakes in infant feeding

Every day we think about giving the best to our children, so we put all our effort so that they are well nourished; However, many times we do not stop to think about whether what we do is good for them to have good health. Therefore, we show you five of the most common mistakes that parents make in the feeding childish:

1.- Until the plate is clean: All people have a mechanism that tells us when we should stop eating; healthy children are usually very faithful to what their organism dictates Generally, infants eat when they are hungry and quit when they feel satisfied.

When the child is asked not to leave the table until the plate is clean, the way in which his hunger and satiety mechanisms work is altered, as well as encouraging a supercharging behavior. Always remember to give your children smaller portions than an adult consumes; always respect when your child decides that he no longer wants to eat.

2.- Always give the same thing to eat: Sometimes we identify that there are certain dishes that our children like best and we just always give them the same. Remember that one of the characteristics of the feeding correct child is to be varied, so we recommend you give new and different things to your children.

Not only change the food you offer them but also the way you cook them or introduce them to them. A diet varied also favors an adequate nutrition , because this way every day we bring different nutrients to the organism .

3.- Offer food as a reward: Many times the dessert is conditioned or some food that is liked by the child for the total consumption of others that are not of their liking, such as vegetables. By doing this we are only giving the signal to the child that the vegetables are so unpleasant that it requires a prize to be able to eat them.

4.- Give or not snacks between meals: We know that collations are part of a feeding Childhood correct and healthy, but we must be very careful how many we give our children during the day and how nutritious they are. Offering too many a day increases the contribution of calories to diet of the child and not give any collation could reduce the caloric and nutritional contribution.

The recommendation of the experts is to give two or three snacks a day and preferably always contain a fruit or vegetable and some other food from another group of the plate of good eating.

5.- Forget hydration: It is not uncommon for children not to like to drink simple water, now studies show that between 10 and 15% of the contribution of calories of infant feeding comes from sugary drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks and industrialized juices, in addition these drinks sometimes represent the only source of hydration that the child has.

Encourage your child to drink simple water when they are thirsty and throughout the day, moderate the consumption of fresh water in food and juice at breakfast. Remember to always set an example by drinking yourself also water.

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Video Medicine: Parenting tip 5 mistakes you should never commit when feeding formula milk to your baby (April 2024).