5 masculine actions that bother women

Conflicts within a relationship can have different causes; However, there are masculine attitudes that originate them, in addition to provoking a sense of annoyance and anger in their partner.

But what can a man do to generate your irritation? GetQoralHealth and the program Life and Home , with the specialist Jennifer Nacirf, they present you with the following video with 5 actions that can cause misunderstandings and feelings:

Jealousy, indifference and lack of commitment are some reasons that can cause a fight or discord within the relationship; However, there are ways to avoid these attitudes and their negative effects:

1. Make requests but do not demand. The requests show respect for the other and so it is easier for your partner to want to collaborate.

2. Listen to the other when he speaks. Do not interrupt him.

3. Talk about their behavior, not what it is. The objective is to change behavior and to put negative labels makes communication difficult. Focus on the topic you are dealing with.

4. Respect. Insults, disqualifications and humiliation are part of the ineffective communication that you should always do without. You can not get carried away by anger, try to talk as calmly as possible. Remember, respect is the basis of everything.

5. Impose our criteria on the other person. This is a rigid and inflexible behavior, where we impose our convictions and take for granted that this is the way it should be. What without place to sudas generates a negative effect in the relation.

6. Shut up. This will cause anger to accumulate and in the end everything will explode into claims.

Communication and respect are the basis of any relationship. Do not forget! Find a balance and always speak honestly with your partner.

Video Medicine: How To Not Give A Fuck (April 2024).