5 keys to be more healthy

Having a healthy life not only helps us prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes or overweight, but our mood changes, that is, it is much more stable and positive. Would you like to experience it?

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, In order to enjoy a healthy life, we must only moderate and change some habits that may impact our health in the short or long term, such as:

1.- Varied food: By incorporating fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, lean meats, cereals and dairy products into your diet, you will help reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure and excess weight.

2.- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol: These bad habits increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so moderate their consumption and seek help to overcome the addiction.

3.- Enjoy life: Stress is one of the factors that directly or directly impact your heart in the short or long term, because it is accelerated excessively by the need for oxygen that it requires for its proper functioning in times of stress. Look for pleasant, relaxing activities and disconnect from work stress.

4.- Daily exercise: According to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Guadalajara , a person who practices regular exercise has a lower heart rate. Most cardiologists recommend doing at least 30 minutes a day to prevent diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and overweight.

5.- Check your blood pressure and abdominal fat: Even if you are a healthy person, monitor that your blood pressure levels are below 140/90 mmHg. to prevent damage to your cardiovascular health. Also measure your waist, women should be below 88 centimeters and men 102.

Do not forget to go with your doctor to perform routine physical exams, as well as maintain a constant communication with your family to know all your family medical history. In case of any pain or doubt regarding your health, take immediate notice so that you can enjoy a healthy life. And you, do you already put into practice any of these keys?

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Video Medicine: 5 Tips for a Healthy Life (April 2024).