5 harmful effects of tobacco on health

Smoke It is one of the addictions What more damage does it cause to the body? Therefore, within the framework of World No Tobacco Day , we must raise awareness about the consequences of tobacco in the Health physical and mental of people.

Interviewed forGetQoralHealth , the doctorLilia Isabel Ramírez García he explains the consequences to health, of smoking.

In GetQoralHealth We list five of the thousands of negative effects of smoking.

1. The tobacco It mainly affects the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. Statistics indicate that the smoking It is the main cause of Cancer of lung, larynx, digestive organs and urinary system.


2. The heat produced by the combustion of the cigarette has direct contact with the oral mucosa, causing harmful effects on it, among them, periodontitis Y gingivitis .

3. Increase the risk of suffering bronchitis chronicle, emphysema , COPD Y peptic ulcer . It is shown that predisposes to arteriosclerosis with its manifestations at the coronary, peripheral arterial and cerebral levels.

4. The smoker is more likely to suffer from other types of ailments, such as stomach ulcers, heart and blood vessel diseases, and as if this were not enough, he has less immunity to infections than those who do not smoke.

5. According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) The children of smoking parents are 70% more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory diseases. The weight of newborns whose mothers smoke is lower compared to the children of nonsmokers. Also the tobacco causes more than 80% of the mortality due to chronic pulmonary processes.

There are many reasons to say goodbye to the tobacco and take care of your health. Which is yours?