5 habits that damage your skin

Beyond age, caring for skin It depends on the lifestyle you have. The wrinkles , the dry and the imperfections occur from bad habits like having a bad nutrition and one sedentary life . GetQoralHealth tells you what you should avoid to have a skin soft and beautiful

1. Smoking: The nicotine contract what blood vessels of the surface layers of the skin , which causes your dermis receive less oxygen and other nutrients needed to make you look beautiful.

2. Drinking alcohol in excess: The alcohol causes dehydration, so that you skin It looks opaque and lifeless. If you drink frequently you can develop red spots or the famous "little spiders" that do not make you look attractive.

3. Touch your face: The hands are always in contact with contaminated surfaces, if you pass them over your face, the skin is filled with dead cells that produce the unpleasant black dots and the acne . If you rub hard the skin , only causes more irritation .

4. Avoid hot water: To maintain your skin hydrated, reduces the use of hot water when you bathe or wash your face. The hot water removes the natural oils that dry the skin .

5. Hydrate your skin: You must do it in the morning and at night so that the skin keep the humidity. In this way you will show a skin full of life.

Finally, do not forget to remove makeup every night, since chemicals clog pores and produce imperfections. Do not forget to apply a mask according to your type of skin at least once a month to look soft and smooth.

Video Medicine: 8 Skin Habits That Make You Look Older (April 2024).