5 friendly ways to quit work

How to give up work? There are thousands of ways to do it; however, the ideal is to do it in a friendly and positive way to leave the doors open and avoid misunderstandings between managers and employees.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth the psychologist Paola Hamui, specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) , explains that, once the person is 100% sure of the decision, the first steps to quit the job in a friendly way are:


  1. Advise superiors in time. It is important that the bosses are the first to know your decision and not the partners, so you will give the opportunity to find your substitute to prepare for your position. It is advisable to do it a month in advance, if you need to leave before explaining your reasons.
  2. Solve problems. Before leaving definitively, it satisfactorily concludes all the inconveniences or difficulties that arise at the moment or that are pending.
  3. Complete all your tasks. The tasks and jobs that correspond to you must be ready before you leave. "Never leave and let the new person finish with your homework, that leaves a bad taste in your mouth", he mentions. Paola Hamui .
  4. Explain the reasons for your resignation. If you found another job better paid, it is very important to tell your bosses. They can even propose a counteroffer.
  5. Make a positive resignation letter. The text must be brief, concrete and concise, where you explain the reasons why you leave the company (personal or professional). In addition, you can thank the company for everything you learned. Never disqualify and offend.

Before quitting, analyze the pros and cons of your decision to be 100% sure of what you want and need, because otherwise it would create a bad image of you.

"It is important to know that if you are going to resign, doing it amicably leaves you open the doors of the company or with some superior of yours. If you left by the big door you will have more open opportunities ", concludes the psychologist of the SPM. And you, do you have any idea how to give up your work without causing problems?