5 foods with vitamin C

The food with vitamin C strengthen your immune system, repair the tissues of the body and provide antioxidants that fight the free radicals of the body. Therefore, National Institutes of Health (NIH, for its acronym in English) recommend a consumption of 90 milligrams a day in men, and women of 75 milligrams a day.

The specialists have always recommended the intake of orange, for being a food with vitamin C easy to get; However, there are many other products that have a higher amount of this micronutrient and here we present them to you to include them in your diet daily

Papaya: A small piece of this fruit (about 157 grams) has 95.6 milligrams of vitamin C . Do not hesitate to make water or a dessert with it, as it will help your digestion by being rich in fiber dietetics and folic acid .

Peppers: One cup of raw red pepper has 190.3 milligrams of vitamin C . Inclúyelo in your stews or salads, besides giving color will provide you with many nutrients.

Broccoli: A portion of these small trees have 132 milligrams of vitamin C . In addition, its intake prevents the development of breast cancer , lung Y colon .

Kale: Only two rates of this food with vitamin C , offers 160.8 milligrams of the micronutrient. He is also rich in Vitamin A Y K , as well as phytonutrients and fiber .

Cauliflower: A small head of cauliflower (with a diameter of four inches) has 127.7 milligrams of vitamin C and only 66 calories . You can make creams, salads or enjoy it steamed.

The food with vitamin C They abound in nature, you only need to identify them and enjoy them in your breakfasts, lunches or dinners. Some give you extra nutrients that prevent diseases chronic-degenerative. And you, do you already consume some of these products?

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