5 foods with fat

It is well known that if you want to go down weight , you must consume products rich in fiber and accelerate your metabolism; However, most people say that this can be a bit difficult and they have succumbed to foods with fat like a double burger with French fries.

All you have to do is have an excellent willpower and change the food with grease for others that are to your liking and less harmful. To give you an idea, GetQoralHealth presents you with five meals that can reduce your health:

Fried fish: The way food is prepared has a lot to do with healthy eating. When using oil to make the dishes increases the amount of fat of each food. It prefers a fish baked or steamed.

Fatty salads: The intake of vegetables is very healthy, but when you combine it with foods with fat such as chicken, bacon, dressings, cheese and eggs, it increases its caloric content.

Hamburgers and french fries: One of the biggest problems with this food is the excess of ingredients it has and its size. Those that include two servings of meat can trigger your levels of cholesterol .

Milkshakes: To create this delicious drink a little ice cream is used, which brings many sugars and hidden fats. So if you join all the products to use add an exaggerated amount of calories.

Quesadillas: Although they are delicious, it is considered a food with fat, because oil, cream and stews are used to make it.

Foods with fat can trigger various diseases such as overweight, obesity and fatty liver, to prevent them follow the recommendations given to GetQoralHealth,the specialist in liver diseases , Jorge Luis Poo :

Dietary guidelines recommend limiting food intake with fat by 20 or 35%. Remember that one gram of fat provides nine calories, so for a diet of two thousand calories a day you should have a consumption of 44 to 78 grams of fat. And you, do you have a healthy diet?

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Video Medicine: 5 High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy (April 2024).