5 famous vs rebound effect

The atmosphere of the show makes many celebrities undergo strict plans to lose weight and show off an aesthetic figure; However, some of them must make a double effort because of their body complexion, the experience of motherhood or because their body is more sensitive to the rebound effect.

According to a study of Center for Biomedical Research in Network-Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBERobn) , there are two hormones involved in the rebound effect (ghrelin and leptin), that is, they influence the recovery of weight of people who follow a hypocaloric diet.

Another investigation of Medical Research Council He points out that when a person gains weight, he begins his constant struggle to lower it. For men, the increase is constant, but in women it starts slowly and accelerates at 30 years.

That is why many celebrities, who put aside calories or have unbalanced eating plans that help them lose weight, recover lost kilos in a short time, if they do not maintain that strict rhythm of exercise or diet. Meet them in the photo gallery!

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Video Medicine: Rebound Effect (April 2024).