5 exercises to start the day

Establishing an exercise routine upon awakening helps our body to be more prepared to perform all activities with much more energy and vitality, than to initiate it only in a habitual way, besides that you can enjoy your benefits throughout the day, like a better one. state of mind

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present you with some recommendations that will help you put together an ideal exercise routine for each morning and start up your metabolism:

1. Stretching . In the morning is a good time to loosen up the muscles and lubricate the joints with a few stretches, always keeping in mind that they must be very soft because our body is not prepared at this time for great efforts.

2. Breathings. Lying on your back, try to take deep breaths that fill your lungs with air, to release it slowly. In this way you oxygenate your body and brain preparing them for a better start. Repeat 3 sets of 5 to 10 breaths.

3. Walk and run. Going for at least 20 to 30 minutes of walking is a low intensity training that contributes to maintain an adequate weight, promotes circulation and improves our cardiorespiratory system, as well as helping to conciliate better sleep at night. The benefits are greater when you take pace and start running.

4. Make a bicycle . This type of exercise will help you gradually increase your resistance, in addition to allowing you to do both indoors (spinning) and abroad, burning between 250 and 500 calories in half an hour.

5. Swim The swimming it is an exercise for the whole body that will help you increase and tone muscles and free you from fat, while protecting your joints from the tension that other exercises cause. You can get to burn up to 600 calories in half an hour.

Once you have finished doing your exercise routine every morning, you will feel full because your body will have burned many calories and released endorphins, as well as satisfaction to meet your goal every day. So do not give up and aim to do it daily for a month, you will notice a big change in your life.

Video Medicine: Best 5 Morning Exercises To Do Before Work. Jump Start Your Day With This Quick Fitness Routine. (April 2024).