5 effective tips to eliminate cellulite

One of the worst enemies of women is the cellulitis , because it generates an unsightly aspect and negatively impacts the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. Therefore, we give you the following tips so you can eliminate it quickly and effectively and show a body of envy:

1.- Use creams or lotions: In accordance with Livestrong.com , this type of products do not disappear cellulitis , but they decrease it by a large percentage. Check that they have stimulating and reaffirming ingredients such as rosemary, thyme, basil, lemon, orange and cedar.

2.- Forget the yoyo diets: Avoid these types of food plans that promise to eliminate overweight soon; you will only earn more weight and accumulation of grease . Opt for a balanced diet, which includes products rich in fiber .

3.- Limit carbohydrates: By reducing the consumption of foods rich in calories and starches you will avoid fat deposits in the buttocks, hips, abdomen and legs. Only eat some that give you the energy needed to perform your activities.

4.- Forget the sodas: The high sugar and gas content of these beverages promotes the production of the fat deposits that make up the cellulitis . Instead, drink two liters of water a day to hydrate your body and eliminate toxins .

5.- Activate yourself: The exercise It is vital to maintain a healthy body, as it stimulates blood circulation and activates cellular oxygenation. Choose cardiovascular activities such as running, swimming or walking; It also performs a specific routine for each part of the body.

Remember that if you want to eliminate cellulite in an effective way you should combine these tips, as well as reduce your alcohol and tobacco intake, as well as eliminate the stress through alternative therapies. And you, how do you prevent the appearance of cellulite?

Video Medicine: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite FAST! (April 2024).