5 causes of appendicitis

One of the most common diseases in the population is the appendicitis . This condition is characterized by inflammation of the appendix , which is a small sack attached to intestine thick . Its main function is to help immune system to create the body's defenses. The causes of appendicitis they are very varied, GetQoralHealth tells you which are the most common.

1. Parasitosis: It is an infection caused by parasites that lodge in the digestive system . For this reason, deworming is recommended at least every six months to avoid complications such as appendicitis .

2. Food waste: Seeds are the main foods that get stuck in the intestine , which obstructs the good irrigation of the appendix . When the appendicitis , the most advisable is surgery to remove it, as explained in the following video:

3. Constipation: The accumulation of feces due to a intestine lazy produces this infection that if not attended to in time can cause peritonitis .

4. Inflammation: When the lymphoid walls swell, they cause infection because bacteria that come from intestine , which reach the appendix through the blood .

5. Tumor: In the worst case, the obstruction of the appendix It may be due to a tumor carcinogen that must be removed immediately to avoid infection massive in the body.

The main symptoms of appendiciti They are pain abdominal, threw up , nausea , constipation and chills. If you detect any of them, go immediately to the doctor to avoid complications. Good luck!

Video Medicine: Appendicitis Early Signs & Symptoms, Causes, Surgery, Recovery! (April 2024).