45% of Mexicans take care of their diet

According to the studies ThinkFit and MenRevolution made by the company Kantar Worldpanel , 45% of Mexicans take care of their diet , that is, four out of 10 people prefer to eat healthier, read the nutritional labels and practice exercise, than decrease the amount of their food.

The researches detail the healthy habits that people have to stay in shape, prevent diseases in the long term and increase your well-being.

For example, five out of 10 households modified their diet for healthier and more balanced meals, of which 51% of people read nutritional labels of the products before purchasing them.

In addition, people more often include physical activity to his life, that is, a third of men and women practice some sport once a week.

Kantar Worldpanel specifies that of the males, four out of 10 walk, a third runs and another plays soccer; 20% choose to ride a bicycle. For its part, the favorite activity of Mexican women is to walk; also, they run outdoors; dance or ride a bicycle


Latin America, concerned about health

Mexico is not the only country that cares to stay in shape, because eight of every 10 inhabitants of Latin American countries are interested in improving their health; Six out of 10 like to stay in shape.

For their part, 42% of women in the region are concerned about the overweight ; while only 29% of men think about it.

If you want to be part of the statistics and achieve a healthy and fit body, start reading the nutrition labels, exercise and follow the advice of the chef-yogi Mariano Garcés :

Remember that you are responsible for improving your health and quality of life, so forget about sedentary lifestyle , get a medical check-up and drink at least two liters of water a day. Learn to improve your diet every day. And you, how do you take care of your diet?

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