43% of Mexican women are victims of aggression

The violence against women It has become a problem of great magnitude, because 43% of Mexican women have been victims of some type of aggression by their partners, according to the National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relations (ENDIREH).

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Claudia Romero, Advisor of IMNUJER, explains the physical violence:

The National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) noted that three out of 10 women have had an incident of aggression in the workplace as the bullying , discrimination , harassment or sexual abuse ; while 16% of adolescents have suffered similar damages at school.

Experts point out that 40% of Mexican women have suffered some type of violence in community spaces (street, market, transport, cinema, shop and hospitals); while 42% have suffered sexual assault and 92% intimidation .

In addition, 44.7% of women workers are the ones that register more incidents of workplace violence, followed by day laborers with 32.2% and employees with 28.8%.

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women , the Inmujeres mentions that the type of aggression that predominates among single women (15 to 24 years old) is emotional (23.1%). In the following video of Inmujeres the existing forms of violence in a relationship:

According to the National Survey on Discrimination 2010 (ENADIS), 39.8% of women say that they asked their husbands permission to go out alone at night and 8.6% asked their partner for permission to take contraceptives, which suggests a deterioration of freedom and autonomy to make decisions.

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Video Medicine: Beating domestic violence in Mexico (April 2024).