4 treatments vs flaccidity

Sagging is a muscular problem and the skin due to chronic decline of collagen and elastin , essential substances for its maintenance and structural strengthening.

It is produced mainly by various factors such as bad eating habits, excessive sun exposure and a strong abuse in the reception of UV rays ; besides little physical activity and lack of training and stretching muscular.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present some treatments that can help you fight flaccidity:

1. Exercise Constancy and constant physical activity is a guarantee to completely eliminate the flaccidity because it strengthens and tones the muscles of the body.

2. Muscular electrotherapy: This therapy uses small electrical shocks in the most weakened muscle areas in order to recover the tension of the muscle, for your strengthening and toning. In this treatment the impulses mimic the action potential coming from the central nervous system, making the muscles contract.

3. Mesotherapy : Helps to eliminate localized fat through micro injections based on different types of vitamins, minerals and amino acids , to stimulate blood circulation in the places affected by flaccidity.

4. Endermology or subdermal therapy : These are mechanisms specially designed to massage the areas affected by flaccidity, usually with rollers that are continuously passed through the skin, ensuring the disappearance and elimination of adipose cells .

A serious consequence of flaccidity is total atrophy of the muscle affected, or to a greater degree, would be the beginning of a possible paralysis in the precise place where this condition occurs.

Therefore, it is important that if the flaccidity starts to be a frequent problem or that you can not solve it by means of the exercise and healthy habits, you need a specialist to guide you on which therapy is ideal for you.

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