4 causes that cause neck pain

Tingling, difficulty in movement and weakness are some symptoms that are related to cervical pain, or better known, neck pain

This is a nuisance that affects the structure of this area, including muscles, nerves, vertebrae of the spine and cushion discs; However, what originates it? GetQoralHealth , with information from physiatrist and sports injury specialists Antonio Barbosa, we offer you some of the causes that produce it:

1. Posture The position is important for the cervical spine. The head and the spine have to be in balance in the line of gravity; but the bad posture, the obesity and weakness of the abdominal muscles, change the statics of the spine, increasing the normal curves, lumbar and dorsal which produces damage and consequently neck pain.

2. Jobs that require bending the back and flexing the neck. These demand greater tension and produce muscular fatigue.

3. Arthrosis. It usually occurs in older people as a result of the wear of the joints between the vertebrae, especially the facets. The tissue that surrounds the joints becomes inflamed and the cervical nerves can become trapped. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause destruction of the joints of the cervical spine. Both situations cause stiffness and pain.

4. Degeneration. It also causes cervical pain. The intervertebral disc acts as a buffer between the cervical vertebrae.

In cervical disc degeneration, which typically occurs over the age of 40, the disc nucleus, which is like a jelly, loses water content, degrades and decreases the space between the vertebrae. A worn disc sometimes breaks and makes prominence compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots.

According to Barbosa, finding the cause of pain is essential to recommend the right treatment and proper rehabilitation. Remember, you are the only one who can take care of your health.

Video Medicine: Could Tech Neck be the Cause of your Headaches or Neck Pain? (April 2024).