3 tips to have better sex

This time we do not want to talk to you about the Kamasutra or offer you the best positions to be experts in bed. In GetQoralHealth we are convinced that, to have a better sex , we should enjoy a good sexuality. It seems obvious, but it is not. There are certain conditions to improve our sexual relationships. They are so easy to carry out, that you will be surprised.

1.- Good physical condition : Intimate relationships require physical energy. If you take this into account, you will not only make your relationship last longer, but also you will be able to fully enjoy any position without worrying about any muscle sore. Having sex with someone who is physically fit is always more attractive, not only because of the physical aspect itself, but because it is nice to know that the person you are sharing that moment with has good self-care. same So start exercising together or take long walks to have better sex.

2.- Excellent coordination : To have a better sex it is important to achieve adequate motor coordination because intimate relationships require rhythmic movements. If you do not have good coordination with your partner, a good advice is to take dance lessons, yoga , or of Tai Chi , any activity that demands a bit of rhythm will help them focus and concentrate their energy.

3.- Communication : It is good to know what things we share with our partner, what we appreciate and what we prefer to avoid. It is very important to learn to listen, because good communication skills are directly related to this capacity so relegated in our times. Secondly, we have to feel connected, which means feeling that both understand each other.

All these conditions, will open us the possibility of always being willing to take risks, in order to be able to experiment, try different poses, and test the personal borders of our partner; but, the most important thing is that they will allow us to have a better sex. And you, do you meet all these requirements?

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Video Medicine: 7 Tips For Better Sex (April 2024).