3 food tips for athletes

Food for athletes is a key point that must be taken care of throughout the preparation process for a competition, as it helps the athlete to achieve their goals, improve times in a speed test, increase muscle mass or improve the condition physical to finish long distances, among others.

It is recommended that high performance athletes have the supervision of a nutritionist to guide and design a feeding plan, taking into account the training moment of each individual, due to the needs of energy and nutrients, such as carbohydrates and carbohydrates. proteins They are different for each objective. For example:

1.- Energize yourself: The athlete must consume enough energy before, during and after the exercise . It is very important that athletes consume energy foods, to train properly and reach their potential during the competition.

2.- Hydration: Many fluids are lost through sweating. During the exercise prolonged and in high temperatures can be lost between two and three liters of water per hour. If the liquids that are lost are not replaced, the physical and mental performance is affected, in extreme cases the dehydration can cause contractures, exhaustion, heat stroke, coma and even death.

3.- Carbohydrates: It is recommended that between 60 and 70% of the daily energy consumption come from the carbohydrates that are found mainly in the group of cereals (breads, tortillas, rice, oats, breakfast cereals, cereal bars).

Remember that after training and competition, it is important to help our body in its recovery. This involves the ingestion of proteins so that the muscles used can recover from the work they did, such as milk drinks, milkshakes or smoothies to which they can add some fruit, cereal with milk or fruit salad with yogurt, vitamins and minerals. Some nutrients that must be taken care of closely are: the vitamins of complex B and C, calcium, iron and antioxidants .

The feeding plan should contemplate the body composition recommended for each type of sport, for example, swimmers who excel in the field preferably develop muscle mass in the upper extremities and are taller than others; Gymnasts, on the other hand, have a lower stature and a very low percentage of body fat together with a high degree of elasticity. If you want to know more information visit www.insk.com

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Video Medicine: Breakfast for Athletes (April 2024).