3 apps for migraine

Migraine is one of the disorders that currently affects a large number of people, especially women, whose causes are not completely defined, but it is known that lifestyle affects migraine, including stress , feeding the sleep or rest.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , the neurologist Alejandro Gutiérrez explains in the following video what migraine consists of and its characteristics, which, when presented frequently or intensely, can even be disabling:

Because this disease affects the quality and habits of life, the creation of some applications for migraine smartphones allow the recording of the factors that trigger it and its symptoms, such as pain.

Among the applications developed for migraine, according to healthline.com, there are those for smartphones, Android and IOS:

1. MIGRAapp by Vodafone. This application, available for free for both Android and IOS devices, allows users to keep an exhaustive record of when migraines have occurred, controlling also what has been eaten, drunk or felt hours before the attack.

2. Headache Diary by Froggyware . Android application available in free version and for payment, it facilitates migraine control through a calendar where you can register headaches, track the day and time of migraine, along with symptoms that accompany it and the possible triggers, through graphics and tables.

3. SleepBot Sleep Cycle Alarm by SleepBot. This application allows you to use your smartphone to track in depth how you sleep, how often you wake up, and the overall quality of your sleep, in order to control migraine resulting from sleep disturbances, fatigue or stress.

The development of new technologies, as in the case of these applications for migraine, helps to improve the quality of life of those who suffer from them, but also allows both the patient and the doctor to have a total record of the exact moment in which they produce crises, like all external factors that can influence.

In this way, thanks to these applications for migraine, you can also achieve mitigate or reduce their impact with the correct medication, avoiding possible adverse effects of abuse.

Video Medicine: Migraine 101: A 3-Step Guide to Managing Headaches (April 2024).