10 ways to exercise without noticing it

Most have clear opportunities to perform some physical activity without pre-established routines, but unfortunately few realize it and take advantage of it.

Certainly it is essential to adopt a regular exercise plan, but you can also make small changes in lifestyle to add more physical activity to the daily routine without realizing that we are actually exercising!

So for you to start leading a healthy and active life we ​​recommend you do the following:

1. Go on a bicycle or walk. When you are traveling at short distances.
Do not use the car.

2. Do some gardening . When planting seeds, removing dead leaves, watering pots or putting dirt, joints, muscles and heart are working.

3. Go up the stairs instead of using the elevator. If work or housing are on a very high floor, walk up half the way and the rest using the elevator.

4. Time of the talacha. Paint if necessary, cut the herbs that have grown on the wall, clean and polish the shelves or carve the tiles in the bathroom or kitchen. All these activities will put you in action and exercise mostly your arms and back.

5. Clean all the glasses . It is a great cardiovascular exercise, try to spray the glass cleaner in a specific area of ​​the crystal surface and begin to clean in the form of small circles with a dry cloth, go opening the circumference as it dries so you will do a great stretching exercise and your Glasses will be cleaner.

6. Dance while shaking or baring . Or simply perform this activity for fun. It is an excellent aerobic exercise.

7. Play with your children or grandchildren. On weekends, but forget about video games, better try to practice soccer, basketball or any other similar activity.

8. Get active at work. Take advantage of the free moments you have and jump for a spin. If you can not leave, it will be enough for you not to use the elevator, in this way, the only way to get around in your work area will be walking. Apart from that with this you exercise, you will feel more relaxed and you can continue with your work.

Exercise watching television. This is an ideal time to do an activity. If you have a stationary bike in your house, it can be a good option, if not, you can buy small dumbbells and exercise your arms, perform squats or sit-ups.

Do not forget to keep correct breathing and hydrate all the time. Once you incorporate this type of physical activity into your daily routine, it will be easier for you to later want to do a sport and without doubt improve your health in all aspects. Try it!

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