10 things you learn from a loss

Suffering a loss is a very traumatic and difficult experience for human beings, however, despite being very painful it can be a good opportunity for our personal growth, but what to learn from a loss?

The main causes of experiencing pain during the loss of a loved one, a relationship, an illusion or something material, are the attachments and fears that we have adopted during our lives.

However, if we are able to face them and understand them, especially after the loss, we can learn things that improve our quality of life.

I agree with you "Annals of the Navarre Health System", magazine promoted by the Department of Health of the Government of Navarra, the main things that a person can learn from the loss are:


  1. Accept the pain to see it as a feeling of growth
  2. Remember and integrate the pleasant experiences that were lived with the person or object
  3. Take back energy to create new emotional ties
  4. Do not repress and channel emotions to avoid physical illnesses
  5. Be aware of the emotions and recognize the process that is being lived
  6. Regain your own spiritual values ​​and beliefs
  7. Respect the time to live the duel without generating radical changes
  8. Find reasons to live and recover hope
  9. Experience a gratification
  10. Modifying the vision of the future

To overcome the loss successfully we must overcome our fears and avoid attachments. In addition, the most valuable thing that we can identify from it is all the learning it gives us, in order to recover the strength and the desire to move forward.