10 signs that indicate you need a vacation

The holiday period It goes beyond being a simple space for luxury and recreation. This time allows the individual to rest and free their mind-body from the ravages generated by everyday stress and anxiety.

In an investigation presented at the annual congress of American Psychosomatic Society, in Savannah United States United , it was shown that in the case of middle-aged men, a fixed rest period per year reduces their chances of 20% to 30% of suffering a coronary heart disease.

However, how do you know that it is time to take a holiday period ? GetQoralHealth offers you 10 signals that will help you to distinguish that it is time for a break.

1. Little encouragement. If lately you have a hard time getting up to go to work and attend to the business that you both loved or feel unhappy every day, it is a clear sign that you need a break.

2. Lack of focus or creativity. Most people can not maintain a high level of concentration for long periods of time. That's why holidays are important, which will allow you to return with more strength and sometimes with creativity.

3. Irritability. Lately you get angry easily? Being irritable may be a sign of stress or depression, which can be attributed to excessive pressure.

4. Insomnia. Sleep problems are another red flag that you should take seriously. Meditating and leaving your everyday environment can help you sleep well. Studies indicate that sunbathing and breathing fresh air improves your health and therefore facilitate your rest.

5. Health problems. Taking your work to the limit can end up seriously affecting your health. Working long hours can make you feel good, but it will bring insomnia, gastritis or malaise.

6. Your hobbies have lost their charm. When these are no longer able to release your stress and beyond distracting and giving pleasure they are sacrificed means it's time for a vacation.

7. You finish work on your days off. Since you can not conclude it during working hours, you decide to take it home. This is a sign that stress does not allow you to put limits between your work life and your personal space.

8. Dark mood. Do not you talk to your co-workers because you're too busy? Or you simply do not want to live as you feel sad and with little enthusiasm. The loss of good humor is a sign that stress is affecting your emotional stability.

9. You leave the family aside. The rhythm of life and the way of living it today leave aside central issues such as the family. A break, to reconnect with them, can be good for you and for them.

10. You do not have leisure time. There comes a time when it is necessary to stop and see where you are in life and where you want to go. No matter how good things may be, they can always be improved. You need time for yourself and to reflect.

A holiday period it must not be related to low performance. The human body is fatigued and this generates negative effects in him, so it is important that you always take a good rest.