10 signs of intolerance to cosmetics

Although people have healthy skin they can develop an intolerance to some makeup substances. Therefore, the allergy to cosmetics is among the main causes of dermatological consultations in Mexico, according to specialists from the Mexican Foundation for Dermatology (FMD)

The use of makeup harms the health of the skin, not only by covering the pores, but various chemical substances that are used in its development generate adverse reactions or signs such as the following:

  1. Acne breakouts
  2. Contact or allergic dermatitis
  3. Urticaria
  4. Inflammation
  5. Irritation
  6. Burning
  7. Eruptions
  8. Dry spots, crusts or scales
  9. Blisters
  10. Conjunctivitis

The American Academy of Dermatology ensures that adults use, on average, seven different cosmetics daily, so it is normal that some cause allergy or irritation.

Meanwhile, in information published in the Mundo.es, Luis Conde Salazar, head of the Labor Dermatology service of the Carlos III Health Institute of Madrid , details that some reactions are not by some chemical, but by the incorrect use of cosmetics.

In addition, the FMD emphasizes that the allergy to cosmetics occurs differently in people, since they depend on the irritability of the skin, as well as the conditions of its application.

The important thing is to go to a specialist to identify the substance that generates intolerance to the product, even if the reactions are minimal or disappear in the short term.

Keep the dermis hydrated, because the dryness or irritation favor the absorption of the chemical compounds of the cosmetics, which detonate the allergies.

Remember to use hypoallergenic or non-comedogenic products, that is, do not block the pores and prevent the appearance of black spots. And you, how do you choose your cosmetics to prevent allergies?

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