10 keys to improve family coexistence

The family It is the main social circle that a person can have. According to research published in Psychology Science of Therapy , it is essential to carry out activities that promote family life to achieve a healthy emotional and cognitive development.

Having a good relationship with siblings and parents, strengthens affective bonds and improves the self esteem of each member of the family. To improve your family relationship, GetQoralHealth you suggest these tips.

1. Spend time with each other. Support your brothers and fathers in their activities, games and hobbies.

2. Try to eat or dine most of the week. If they have complicated schedules, schedule a day to eat together.

3. Dedicate one day a week to doing something like visiting grandparents, taking a walk, walking, playing, etc. Your imagination is the limit.

4. Cook, clean, play, sleep, talk and laugh together.

5. Be spontaneous. When you are together, enjoy the moment and share small experiences, you can improvise games or just watch a movie.

6. Take time to talk. Communication is vital to strengthen the emotional ties of the family .

7. Celebrate your achievements, both family and individual. Also, motivate each other to achieve goals.

8. When there are problems, avoid arguments and bad words. Respect is a fundamental pillar for a healthy family life . You can choose someone as a mediator.

9. Look for ways to help each other, especially if someone has strong problems.

10. When important events arise seek union. It is proven that by feeling family support, people make more assertive decisions.

Love and communication they are the basis of any type of family relationship, so it is important to develop a healthy coexistence. In this way, people grow and live in a more emotionally healthy way.

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