10 dangers to which you expose yourself by a silicone implant

The global scandal unleashed in 2011 by the sale of implants bad quality breast of the French company Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) , woke up the alerts about the dangers of silicone in the body, bad surgeries and the use of low quality materials.

There are two types of implants approved for sale: the fillings of Saline solution and those of silicone gel . Both have an outer layer of silicone and vary in size and shape. The implants are used to increase the breast size , reconstruction by breast cancer or for an injury.

According to the report of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) , in the United States, derived from the analysis of multiple studies on the dangers of silicon in the body , there are points that must be taken into account before undergoing this procedure.

1. Submit to new surgeries . Implants breasts or buttocks They are not for life. The longer a person with implants has, the greater are the chances of develop complications , some of which merit a new surgery .

2. Material of poor quality . Some implants are deflate or they break during the first months, some deflate within a few years. Others remain intact 10 years or more.

3. Displacements . If by mistake a very large pocket is made to accommodate the prosthesis , these will end up moving to the sides, which can cause you a terrible pain .

4. Asymmetries . When you leave a prosthesis of buttocks higher than the other, or both very high or very low, they must be relocated in a second surgical procedure .

5. Pain. The improper size of the implant, the surgical technique or the capsular contracture can cause pain associated with the obstruction of a nerve or to interference with the muscle movement . If you have felt pain after your implant, you should notify your doctor immediately.

6. Dissatisfaction in the result. The results cosmetics unsatisfactory wrinkles, asymmetry, displacement of the implant, which can be felt implant, scar deformity and others are latent risks. The planning and execution of the surgical technique can minimize them. Of a bad result they can derive Emotional problems and of self esteem .

7. Infection . Most of the infections that are a consequence of surgery appear a few days or weeks after the operation. The infections with a implant present are more difficult to treat than thenfections in normal tissues. If an infection does not respond to antibiotics , you have to remove the implant.

8. Interference with mammography . Implants can delay or prevent the Early detection of breast cancer , hiding suspicious lesions or making it more difficult to include them in the image. Implants increase the difficulty of performing and interpreting mammograms .

9. Loss of sensitivity in nipples. The sensitivity it may increase or decrease after the implant. The range of changes varies from an extreme to a null mammary sensitivity. They can be temporary or permanent, and can affect the sexual response or the ability to breast a child .

10. Autoimmune diseases. The National Cancer Institute, in the United States, states that women who carry implants for a period of 8 years they were more likely to get brain or lung cancer. And those who had suffered implant breaks are likely to have fibromyalgia and other types of autoimmune diseases compared to those with implants intact.

According to the survey of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) , the American continent is one of the key markets for producers and surgeons of implants. The United States is number one with 21.2% of all aesthetic surgical operations made in the world, followed by Brazil, with 9.8%. Mexico is in fifth place with the 5.4%.

The dangers of silicone in the body are real, so the last word is in your hands.

Video Medicine: Buying breast implants: Hidden camera investigation (Marketplace) (April 2024).