10 basic ear care

The sense of hearing is one of the most important that human beings have, because it allows you to listen to everything that is around you and to maintain your body balance. Therefore, some basic care must be put into practice, ensures the Mexican Association for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Deafness, AC.


Apply these basic care to your ear!

1.- Foreign substances: Never apply a foreign substance to the ear, which is not otic and under medical prescription, such as hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil, sweet almond oil, alcohol, saline, eye drops, ointments, plant substances or any other.

2.- Prevent infections: In the presence of pain, secretion , inflammation , common cold and other respiratory conditions visit your specialist doctor to avoid hearing complications, since the anatomy itself favors infections in the middle ear, especially in children.

3.- Strange objects: One of the important basic care is to avoid the introduction of products in the external auditory canal with the desire to clean it like pins for hair, feathers, cotton swabs or scratching with your finger.

4.- Self-medication : As soon as you feel some type of discharge or bleeding visit your otorhinolaryngologist and avoid taking any medication, because the tympanic membrane may be perforated.

5.- Earwax: Go to a doctor to remove it, as it has specialized equipment and experience to clean the ear without damaging it.

6.- Contaminated water: Avoid submerging in waters of dubious origin, since you could get an infection in the ear, eyes and respiratory tract.

7.- Avoid exposure to extreme noise: This is one of the basic care for good hearing health. Try to stay as far as possible from detonations, explosions and modulate the sound volume of speakers, microphones and headphones. If necessary use plugs to muffle the noise and protect the ear.

8.- Evade the blows: Avoid contusions in the head and the ear. If you practice a contact sport, take the recommended precautions to avoid damage, such as special equipment.

9.- Different opinions: Before undergoing any otologic surgery, consult two different doctors and compare the costs.

10.- Hygiene: Every year visit your doctor to perform a professional cleaning and conduct studies such as audiometry. If you have a chronic degenerative disease such as diabetes or hypertension, go every six and eight months.

Put into practice these basic care to achieve good hearing and have a better quality of life. Also, in summer you should pay more attention to your hygiene due to the great contact you have with the water to stay in the pools and in the sea. And you, what basic care do you use to protect your ears?

Video Medicine: Ear Care & Treatments : Unblocking Blocked Ears (April 2024).