1. Supply

One of the most used techniques by people who want to stop smoke is to resort to gum or patches of nicotine , with the idea that it is less harmful, however this can lead them to develop also a addiction . Experts warn that there are some differences between the two.

To start, men are more affected by the nicotine addiction that the women. A study of Yale Uiversity affirms that they can set aside cigars and resorting to chewing gum because what they really need is the substance.

Different opinions exist on the subject, we present some differences that experts have found between smoke and addiction to nicotine .


1. Supply

People who have an addiction to nicotine get more dose through patches, chewing gums and electronic cigarettes , unlike those who smoke who only opt for this option and tobacco.


2. Impact

People who have used only patches or rubbers nicotine they "hook" to it more slowly, because they slowly supply the substance to the brain . Unlike the cigar.


Nicotine reaches the brain in a matter of seconds after a puff, and its effects begin to dissipate in a few minutes, "says the American Cancer Society .


3. Smoking is more harmful

According to National Institute on Drug Abuse , nicotine is not the only addictive ingredient in the tobacco . In the smoke are other substances that promote an increase in the levels of dopamine , that originate the desire to use this drug repeatedly.

On the other hand, and although controversial, a study published by the magazine Brain and Cognition indicates that stimulation with nicotine pure can have the potential to improve the Alzheimer's and delay the onset of Parkinson's disease. Although they do not talk about addictive levels.

The nicotine It is a psychoactive drug and its regular use, in cigarettes, patches or chewing gums, can result in addiction and premature death, reveals the Association for Adicction Professionals .

However, it is important to recognize the differences between smoke and nicotine addiction, to help patients overcome their sufferings .  

It is estimated that 2.5 million people die in the world each year due to the use of tobacco , and that by 2020 the number of victims will be at least 10 million if consumption trends continue as they have been until now.

Video Medicine: Macro Unit 1 Summary- Basic Concept and Demand/Supply (April 2024).