1. Nopal

In the microbiota , or intestinal flora as it is commonly known, we have a large number of bacteria . It is estimated that they represent between one and two kilos of our total weight; taking care that they are balanced is a little-known way of preventing obesity .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Armando Tovar , head of the department of physiology of nutrition of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán , explains that in the microbiota there are two types of bacteria : bacteroidetes and firmicutes.


In a healthy intestinal flora are the bacteroidetes that predominate over the firmicutes. But when the latter are found in greater quantities, then there is a greater risk of suffering metabolic alterations that lead to obesity, "he adds.

The diet is the main cause of alterations in the microbiota Therefore, it is important to select foods that help an adequate balance. Armando Tovar shares what you have to eat to take care of your bacteria and prevent obesity .


1. Nopal

It contains polysaccharides which are used by bacteria bacterioidetes and firmicutes to colonize the intestinal flora .


2. Chia

They are an important part of prebiotics , which feed the bacteria and also favor their balance in adequate amounts.


3. Oatmeal

Because of its content fiber soluble They help the body to balance the amount of bacteria that develop.


4. Yogurt

A natural probiotic that, although it does not feed bacteria, has microorganisms that help its good general functioning.


5. Red fruits

Because of its high content of polyphenols are necessary for other types of microorganisms to be generated in the microbiota and work together with the bacteria.

The recommendation is that you include these foods daily, at least one or two of them within a diet healthy.

Likewise, Armando Tovar, also president of the Danone Institute of Mexico, indicates that you should avoid high foods in Saturated fats and sugar, which significantly damage your microbiota and favor obesity .

Video Medicine: Bordado Fantasía Nopal 1 (April 2024).