1. Find a job that you like

All experiences, no matter if they are difficult, sad or joyful, impact on your body , mind and emotions .

The University of Minnesota reveals that it is important that you recognize and identify thoughts and emotions. In this way you will be aware of the impact on the body, behavior and relationships; and, you will learn to react in the best way to them.

But what events are those that really mark your life and make your body react? Know them!


1. Find a job that you like

If you enjoy what you do, you will be more productive and efficient. You commit more and your body is healthier.


2. Losing your job

Immediately after being fired You can experience sadness, depression and anger. But as time goes by and you accept reality, your levels of kindness and responsibility increase, even, you are more open.


3. Adopt a pet

Having a companion animal increases your happiness, reduces stress, improves your self esteem and you are more sociable . In addition, you have a lower risk of suffering from anxiety or depression.

Video Medicine: How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore | TEDxGoldenGatePark (2D) (April 2024).