1. Fear of repeating patterns

In Mexico, an estimated 3.9 million women suffer infertility . Although physical causes are the first to be investigated, psychological causes should not be left aside.


There are many cases of infertility in which the causes are not found. The exams reveal physical conditions suitable for a pregnancy and yet couples can not conceive, "says Sofia Kanan , psychotherapist and teacher of the Hebraic University .

In this sense, there are problems psychological that are deeply rooted in both women and men, which can be a cause of infertility . Kanan shares with GetQoralHealth three of the most important.


1. Fear of repeating patterns

In the case of women, there is an unconscious fear of repeating the toxic patterns who lived in the relationship with their mother. The idea of ​​being like their progenitors terrifies them and prevents procreation.


2. Ambivalence

Maybe although the partner Make sure you want a baby, deep down you really do not want it. The causes of this can be diverse, such as the fear of being bad parents or the idea that a child is a lot responsibility , among other.


3. Repressed childhood traumas

The experiences that are experienced in childhood can be rooted in the depths of the subconscious, especially those that are traumatic . Those who live a childhood with violence or had a serious accident, usually do not want to have children unconsciously.


A comprehensive treatment

For couples who suffer infertility hope is not lost, from 3 to 7% of them are candidates for assisted reproduction treatments . But for them to be successful, first you have to get a diagnosis personalized, and then seek a multidisciplinary treatment.


The mental, emotional, social and physical aspects also affect the treatment ", reveals Carlos Maquita , director of Red Crea , the first network of reproductive medicine in the country.

In total, it is estimated that 15 to 20% of couples of reproductive age suffer from infertility in Mexico, according to the data of Red Crea.

Video Medicine: Do You Have Trypophobia (The Fear Of Tiny Holes)? (April 2024).