1. Cumin

Approximately five out of every 10 Mexicans suffer from abdominal swelling on a daily basis. Fortunately, to alleviate the symptoms, there are foods that deflate the belly and among them are the condiments .


The condiments not only enhance the taste of food, certain types of spices, for example, can improve digestion by stimulating the stomach fire, which means increased production of enzymes and correct intestinal transit ", it states Nadya Andreeva , specialist in conscious feeding and author of "Happy Belly" .

With this base, Super GetQoralHealth has for you the best condiments that can help you reduce inflammation your belly And then we present some that will be your favorites. Know their properties!


1. Cumin

Promotes the healthy absorption of food and then the correct elimination of toxins of the digestive tract. Chewing the seeds after eating is especially useful to eliminate excess air in the belly, says the specialist Nadya Andreeva .


2. Olive oil

Eat a diet rich in virgin olive oil along with ingredients that contain Omega 3 , like fish, reduces the inflammation and also leads to an improvement in colonic injuries, he says. Angel Gil , researcher of the University of Granada .


3. Curcuma

This powerful seasoning stimulates the production of bile , which helps improve the digestion , according to the University of Maryland Medical Center . By consuming one to three grams a day, you will reduce your risk of suffering the gases that cause inflammation.


4. Apple cider vinegar

It has an intestinal cleansing power that fights the constipation , its acetic acid content eliminates the bacteria that generate stomach gas and improves the digestion . You can add it to your food, or take a teaspoon mixed in a glass of water in the morning.


5. Fennel

It has properties antispasmodics and also stimulates the production of gastric juices. In this way it is excellent to fight the inflammation caused by menstrual cramps , indigestion or excess food, reveals Nadya Andreeva.

Video Medicine: Surprising Cumin Drink To Reduce 10 Kg in 1 Week || Cumin use to Cut Fat (April 2024).