1. Avocados

To lose weight or lose weight, it is not necessary to follow restrictive diets or live only by eating salads and lettuce. The truth is that you can include more foods in your diet that will make you feel and look better.

Take note of these 7 foods that help you lose weight while you eat properly:


1. Avocados

Avocado contains good fats that are necessary for your body to function properly. It is good to eat it alone, in salads or sandwiches.

They are rich in monoinstarurado oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil. Its high content in water, fiber and potassium are ideal for the diet.


2. Lentils

Lentils are a great source of dietary fiber, with a good caloric intake and nutrients that help you lose weight while improving your digestion.

It is estimated that 100 grams of raw lentils contribute 345 calories. But when preparing them the volume of them increases to double or triple, that is to say that the sensation of satiety arrives earlier and you eat less.

A plate of lentils prepared with vegetables will give you only 60 to 90 calories. An excellent option

Video Medicine: If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You (April 2024).