1. Assimilate the loss

Who has not felt disappointed ever? The pain that feels is so deep, that's why it's difficult recuperate of a loving disappointment It can even take many years.

Ethan Kross , assistant professor of psychology in the University of Michigan , United States, affirms that the affliction caused by disappointment is equal to that of a burn because the brain does not distinguish between physical pain Y emotional .

Experts of Northern Kentucky University they claim that to overcome this affliction it is necessary to recognize that the Recovery it implies everything process . There are times when you will feel anger, anxiety , confusion , depression or Doubts .


1. Assimilate the loss

The loss you have lived affects your self esteem , therefore, the first and most important step is that accept that something change . Things will not be the same, you must leave behind the past and glimpse a new future. If you resist admitting it, you will hardly get over it.


2. Reconfigure your present

When you strive to accept the change, then you can understand that the experience can really have a positive side . Maybe it's the opportunity to grow, learn and evaluate the direction of your life.


3. Express what you feel

Learn to identify and express your feelings . Make them patentwriting them, talking with trusted friends or family These feelings have less power when you share them.


4. Remember what you learned

If this is the case, remember what you have learned other disappointments . What you won, the time it took you to overcome it and the activities they kept you busy or they produced satisfaction .


5. Get rid of impatience

When something important is lost, it takes time to adapt to the new reality. For this reason, do not hurry with filling yourself with activities for evade you reality . Before, give yourself the opportunity to reflect and think about what really is best for you.


6. Avoid excesses

Keep sober is what best . Resorting to the abuse of alcohol or drugs to forget is a mistake that can cost you dearly. Also, it makes the process more difficult because you live a stage of confusion Y Doubts .


7. Take care of your image

The disappointments are Stressful , it is therefore important that rest enough, perform exercise and you food healthily

In these moments, seek the support of friends, family and a professional of mental health can you guide in this difficult process of Recovery .

There will always be more questions than answers, so do not try to fully understand what happened. Thus, discomfort and confusion will soon pass.

Video Medicine: Q+A #29 - Imitate, assimilate, innovate (April 2024).