1,2,3 Mark your muscles easily

Mark your body easily can be fast or too slow, that depends on the patience and commitment you devote to exercise .

Two key factors that Omar Malpica Norberto, instructor at one of the Anytime Fitness branches, challenges you to continue with this routine high octane.

Make each of these five exercises for 30 seconds for 30 recovery. It will take you less than 10 minutes to execute each of the four recommended cycles.

1- Mountain Climber : In the position of the lizard, alternately one foot after the other goes up to touch the elbow of the corresponding arm that you have extended. It is similar to climbing on the floor.

2- Bicycle Crunch: Lying on your back with hands on the nape and legs slightly raised. Pull and turn them to the opposite side of each of your arms as if you were pedaling.

3- Burpees: The third phase comes In a lizard position, gather your feet towards the chest and give a light jump to incorporate. Return to the starting position and repeat for another 30 seconds.

4- Displacements : Anejo known of the routines, this exercise helps to tone and gain strength in both legs. With each step and bending towards the floor you gain balance. Do it for half a minute.

5 Spiderman pushups: It is a challenge to your physical condition. In position lizard lower slightly and flex your leg until you touch the elbow with the knee. Alternate the foot for 30 seconds for another 30 rest.

If it was not enough, add a cycle of squats with jump.

Eradicate the consumption of soft drinks, juices, bread and tortillas and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, and the increase of meat chicken, beef or fish, is part of the formula to mark your body easily with these exercises.

"If you have a balanced diet together with the exercise, in 2 weeks you could see results; not in weight but in sizes ", comments the expert from the fitness industry in an interview with GetQoralHealth .

Before starting to mark your body easily remember that all physical effort has a common beginning. Depending on your condition, do not forget to make exercises of heating five to ten minutes.

Video Medicine: Muscles, part 1 - Muscle Cells: Crash Course A&P #21 (April 2024).