Influence of parents on childhood obesity

In the increase of childhood obesity They can influence various social, environmental, genetic or metabolic factors. One of them is the incorporation of women into the world of work. The attention, care and supervision of what the child eats is not the same in families where both parents work that in those where they have the time to monitor their diet . Another factor that influences critically is the current model of education of parents, which hurts the smallest when it comes to acquiring good eating habits. Families are now much more permissive with their children. The parents let the son do what he wants and in many occasions not to discuss also let him eat what he wants to avoid a confrontation.

Identify all those risk factors to avoid suffering obesity It is one of the issues that require the urgent attention of researchers. If the pattern of feeding during lactation may influence in some way the body weight of children and adolescents in the future, it is worthwhile for scientists to continue in this line of work. Children learn from what they see at home; Parents become the main role models and must eat well for children to imitate them. To conclude, you have the health of your child in your hands; The question here is, what do you want and how do you eat?

Current status of obesity

While in third world countries children are starving, in the industrialized nations there is a marked tendency towards a predominantly obese . The United States and Mexico lead the list of countries in the world with the highest number of people with obesity , to the point that this public health problem threatens to overcome smoking as the main cause of death. In the latest national nutrition and health survey, just under 70% of the Mexican population suffers from overweight I obesity , what supposes a strong economic cost derived from the diseases that this causes. The obesity it is a chronic, complex and multifactorial disease that can be prevented. It is a process that usually begins in childhood and adolescence, which is established by an imbalance between intake and energy expenditure. In its origin, diverse genetic and environmental factors are involved, which determine a metabolic disorder that leads to an excessive accumulation of body fat for the expected value according to sex, height, and age. Notwithstanding the existence of an important genetic component, the increasing prevalence of obesity is attributed to environmental factors that promote its expression as excessive caloric intake and decreased physical activity (sedentary life). In this sense, parents play an important role in "controlling" what their children eat, encouraging the exercise and help them not to eat stress , anxiety , etc.

Small changes in our life, are definitive to be healthy, thin and improve our quality of life. You have the power to change this pattern by including vegetables in your diet , go out to do recreational activities, feed with advice and words of love their self-esteem.

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Video Medicine: How parents can fight childhood obesity (May 2024).